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Priority Services Register: Safeguarding older adults during gas or electricity supply interruptions

Image: Priority Services Register: Safeguarding older adults during gas or electricity supply interruptions


Interruptions to the electricity or gas supply can be disruptive for any of us, but older adults are more vulnerable and can find it harder to take appropriate action.

A loss of power, light, or heat can be distressing and confusing.

These situations can also be dangerous, especially if they affect the use of essential medical equipment that depends on power.

In later life, a drop in temperature can trigger circulatory problems, chest infections, and affect our mobility, putting us at greater risk of a serious injury.

How to Prepare for a Power Cut

In a power cut – Call 105 for information and advice

Check the internet and social media feeds for updates from your electricity operator  – this information is available from the Energy Networks Association website.

UK Power Networks  and National Grid recommend the following:

    • Keep a torch with spare batteries close at hand

    • Leave a light switched on so you know when the power returns.

    • Check if a neighbour has their lights on, or if the street lights are working

    • Check the fuse box “trip switch” is in the “on” position. Do you know where the fuse box and tripswitch is in your loved one’s home?

    • Keep any medical equipment charged

    • Keep the freezer shut – the contents will usually stay frozen for up to 12 hours

    • Turn off and unplug any sensitive equipment, such as TVs, computers and solar panels

Staying warm and safe during power interruptions

It is essential for older adults to take extra precautions and stay warm during power cuts. As we grow older, we are less able to regulate our body temperature, and we can rapidly become cold and unwell.

    • Use an alternative heating source if possible.

    • Wear extra clothing with plenty of layers, including a hat and gloves.

    • Extra blankets, hot drinks and hot water bottles and also help.

    • Reduce further heat loss by closing doors in unused rooms and closing your curtains.

If the heating is unlikely to return quickly, consider moving elsewhere  – friends or family, cafes and pubs.  You can find a local warm hub or warm space using this interactive map on the Warm Spaces website.

Check any stairlifts

If it stops working, a mains operated stair lift might have a manual release handle that can be used to return the stair lift safely to ground level. Many have battery backups. Check the manufacturer’s details.

The Priority Services Register (PSR)

Less than half of those eligible for priority support are registered.

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free UK wide service that provides extra advice and support, especially during periods when the gas, power, or water supply is interrupted.

All gas, water, and electricity networks are required to have a PSR and to provide extra support to any potentially vulnerable consumers.

Sign up to the PSR today The Priority Services Register gives you peace of mind by providing extra support in an energy emergency. Sign up today.

The benefits of being on the PSR include:

    • Support and information during a power or gas supply interruption

    • Connection to local emergency services

    • Emergency power during prolonged supply interruptions

    • Emergency heating and cooking equipment if the mains gas supply is interrupted for a prolonged period

    • Nominee schemes allow information and notifications to be sent to a preferred named contact, such as a caregiver, family member or friend

    • Advance warning of any supply interruptions;

    • Priority support in emergencies;

    • Bills and other literature in accessible formats

    • Doorstep identification schemes for engineers –this usually entails a password system to identify legitimate callers and is likely to include “knock and wait” arrangement to give you time to get to the door

You can register someone for the PSR on the national industry PSR website.


July 2023, updated June 2024

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