Over the last two months we have been featuring specially designed medicine bags and leaflets in pharmacies across England.
The medicine bags and leaflets highlight the support which we provide for carents and which can be accessed via our platform. Both the bags and the leaflets include a QR code guiding carents to key links such as Carents Lounge and the Priority Services Register.
We know that carents play an invaluable role helping to collect medication for those who are unwell or housebound and so by working with pharmacies we can reach more carents.
I was in the pharmacy today and picked up a Carent’s leaflet, so a few hours later here I am ……….
Increasingly, pharmacists are taking on primary care roles and this campaign has helped them understand where they can signpost carents for help. In our survey, 100% of those surveyed (105 in total) answered YES to the following question:
“Do you now feel able to signpost those looking after elderly parents, relatives or friends to The Carents Room?”
We constantly monitor and evaluate the impact of any actions we take to raise awareness and it is clear from our data that this pharmacy initiative has helped us engage with more carents on a deeper level. The data show that in recent weeks, more people are searching for The Carents Room, membership of Carents Lounge has grown rapidly and more carents are signing up for our newsletter.