Our Neighbourhood

Work with us

The Carents Room is part of a wider neighbourhood of families, communities, charities, businesses, researchers, and innovators all striving to make ageing easier for all.

Our helpful neighbours

Our connections will help you solve specific ageing related problems by giving you easy access to experts who can provide additional information, helplines, specialist products or discussion forums.

Our Neighbourhood Directory

This neighbourhood directory will help you identify relevant experts and organisations who can help you and your parent tackle all sorts of problems

Age UK – a national charity seeking to improve later life. They have an online shop for specialist products
Helpline 0800 055 6112

Marie Curie – a national charity providing support for people with any terminal condition, not just cancer.
Helpline 0800 090 2309

The Royal Voluntary Service – a UK charity which mobilises volunteers to support those in need, in hospital and in the community

Independent Age – A UK charity aiming to make the UK a better place to grow old for everyone.
Helpline: 0800 319 6789

Carers UK – UK Charity aiming to make life better for carers. Supports an online discussion forum
Helpline: 0808 808 7777

Carers Trust – A major charity for, with and about carers.

TIDE – together in dementia everyday – support for carers of people living with dementia

Homeshare UK alongside the Shared Lives Plus membership charity provides innovative support to help people remain independent at home.

Cancer Research UK – The worlds largest charity dedicated to saving lives through research.
Online shop with specialist products and gifts
Nurse helpline: 0808 800 4040

Macmillan Cancer Support – Charity providing physical, financial and emotional support to help cancer sufferers live life as fully as possible.
Supports an online community
Helpline: 0808 808 00 00

British Heart Foundation – Leading charity tackling heart and circulatory disease
Supports an online community forum
Helpline: 0300 330 3311

Stroke Association – Leading charity tackling stroke and providing support for survivors and their families
Helpline: 0303 3033 100

Arrhythmia Alliance – A coalition of charities, patient groups, patients, carers, medical groups and allied professionals work together under the A-A umbrella to promote timely and effective diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias
It has an online shop for specialist products.

Kidney Care UK – UK Charity supporting kidney patients
Supports a closed Facebook community group

National Kidney Federation – UK Charity run by Kidney Patients for Kidney Patients.
Helpline: 0800 169 0936

British Lung Foundation – Leading British charity promoting lung health and offering support for a variety of lung or breathing related problems
Supports a web community
Helpline: 03000 030 555

NARA The breathing charity – National UK charity providing support to people of all ages with a range of breathing related conditions.

COPD Foundation – An international not for profit organisation tackling COPD and supporting COPD sufferersSupports an online community

MIND – UK Charity providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problems
Online shop mainly for information leaflets but check out their Pause boxes
Infoline 0300 123 3393

Samaritans – UK Charity aiming to reduce suicide and be there for anyone who needs someone
Helpline: 116 123

MindEd – Mental health advice for older people and those care for them.

Alzheimer’s Association – Leading national charity tackling all forms of dementia.
Supports an online community
Helpline: 800 272 3900

Dementia UK – Provides specialist dementia support for families through a specialist Admiral Nurse service
Helpline: 0800 888 6678

The Lewy Body Society – Charity focused on tackling Lewy Body Dementia

TIDE – support for people caring for someone with dementia

The Brain Charity – UK Charity providing emotional support, practical help, and social activities to anyone with a neurological condition (including Dementia and Parkinson’s disease) and to their family, friends and carersHelpline: 0800 008 6417

Diabetes UK – National UK Charity tackling Diabetes
Supports an online forum

Diabetes.co.uk – An online community of people with diabetes, family members, friends, supporters and carers, offering their own support and first hand knowledge

Bladder Health UK – Helping sufferers to improve and manage their condition.
Online shop for specialist continence products
Confidential advice line: 0121 702 0820

The Cystitis and Overactive Bladder (COB) Foundation – Charity supporting people (including families and friends) suffering all forms of cystitis, overactive bladder and continence issues

Bladder and bowel community – Organisation helping people with bladder and / or bowel problems including those with a catheter or ostomy
Online shop and home delivery service

Bladder and Bowel UK – A part of Disabled living – this organisation provides support for those suffering bladder or bowel incontinence
Includes a supplier directory and online shop for specialist products
Help line: 0161 607 8219

Incontinence UK – Specialist information about incontinence.
Supports an anonymous online discussion forum

The Urology Foundation – UK and Ireland Charity tackling all urology diseases

Crohn’s and Colitis UK – UK charity tackling inflammatory bowel problems.
Helpline: 0300 222 5700

Guts UK – UK charity tackling all digestive diseases

British Deaf Association – Leading charity helping deaf people overcome the difficulties they face on a daily basis

RNID – Leading UK charity for people with hearing loss, deafness and tinnitus.  Includes advice on specialist technology and assistive devices
Helpline: 0808 808 0123
Textphone: 0808 808 9000

Sense – Leading charity for people who are deaf and blind – helping them to communicate, experience the world and fulfil their potential.

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) – Leading sight loss charity providing practical and emotional support and products
Supports community Facebook groups
Online shop featuring some specialist products
Helpline 0303 123 9999

Vision UK – An independent partnership organisation tackling sight loss throughout the UK

Versus arthritis – UK charity, formed in 2018, a merger between Arthritis Care and Arthritis Research UK. Tackling arthritis
Supports an online community
Helpline: 0800 5200 520

Arthritis action – UK charity offering hands-on, practical help for people with arthritis to improve their quality of life whilst living with the condition
Contact: 020 3781 7120

The Royal Osteoporosis Society – A charity aiming to improve the lives of everyone affected by epilepsy through advice, improved healthcare, research and campaigns for change

Epilepsy Action – A charity aiming to improve the lives of everyone affected by epilepsy through advice, improved healthcare, research and campaigns for change.
Supports an online forum
Helpline: 0808 800 5050

STARS – An international charity aiming to ensure that anyone presenting with unexplained loss of consciousness receives the correct diagnosis, the appropriate treatment, informed support and sign posting to the appropriate medical professional
Online shop with a small range of specialist products

The epilepsy society – UK Charity promoting quality of life of people affected by epilepsy. It does this by promoting public awareness and education, by undertaking research and by delivering specialist medical care and support services
Helpline: 01494 601 400

The Lyndsay Leg Club Foundation – Charity promoting community based care for people suffering leg ulcers
Contact: 01473 749565

British Skin Foundation – UK charity fundraising for research into all types of skin diseases including skin cancer

Melanoma UK – Support for people, by people, whose lives are affected by melanoma
Helpline: 0808 171 2455

Skin Support UK – Website developed by the British Association of Dermatologists to tackle the psychological distress of people living with skin conditions
Includes links to support groups for allsorts of skin problems.

Tissue Viability Society – Charity working to improve the lives of patients living with a wound or at risk of developing a wound

The pernicious anaemia society – UK Charity promoting diagnosis and treatment of pernicious anaemia
Coordinates local member support groups

British Thyroid Foundation – A UK charity established in 1991, providing resources to help people across the UK better understand and manage their thyroid condition
Contact: 0756 161 2011

Working with us

The Carents Room is committed to transforming ageing by empowering carents and unleashing their power.

Our Carents are mid life boomers who want to do the best they can to help their ageing parents. They play a vital social and economic role, helping their parents to live independently whilst relieving pressure on the health and care system.

Our Carents determine ageing household spending and demand for formal care services whilst acting as personal shoppers, first aiders, care coordinators, chauffeurs, personal assistants and financial or legal advisers on behalf of their elderly relatives.

Our Carents have direct lived experience of the needs of, and challenges facing, older people and can help to develop and improve suitable services, experiences and products.

Our Carents are older people of the future.

The Carents Room enables connections to make ageing easier for all

We want to support and develop new ideas, products, services or experiences which can enrich or improve the lives of older people and make carenting an even more rewarding experience with better outcomes for everyone. We value quality and transparency, respect and equality and we passionately believe that later age does not need to be grey.

We are open to working with…

  • Stakeholders
  • Influencers
  • Designers
  • Suppliers

…from a wide range of sectors

  • Design
  • Health
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Business

…who share our values and our goals.


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